Healthcare organisations have successfully identified two unmet needs per region

In addition to the ongoing development of innovative healthcare solutions since the inception of the project, HealthChain has successfully identified two clinical unmet needs per region, paving a way for demand-driven, co-creative healthcare solutions. The project aims to develop health solutions meeting existing needs that will improve the quality of the health services for the citizens. 

Collaborative efforts in need identification have yielded results

We start our innovation process by first identifying the needs of healthcare organizations, actively involving end-users in the collaborative effort. This collaborative process has already shown promising results:

  • 10 workshops organised
  • A total of 124 needs received
  • Engagement from 159 stakeholders, involving physicians, nurses, hospital administrators, IT experts, healthcare technicians, patients, patient associations etc.

Selected challenges: HOs have evaluated and selected the two best unmet needs in each region

Murcia (Spain)

  • PASPADOC – Interdialysis non-invasive potassium level monitoring
  • KEKONTROL! – Empowering patients with chronic pain through digital solutions

Centro (Portugal)

  • Reabilitar@mente – Integrate a cognitive rehabilitation program into the care of hospitalized older people, with the aim of preserving or orientation, memory and functionality.
  • RecoMed – Reconciliation of medication in digital format from the list of usual medications for patients admitted (to the Plastic Surgery and Burns department).

West Slovenia

  • HIPRO – Application for fast track hip surgery patient reported outcome
  • MEPRO – Application for mental distress patient reported outcome

Primorsko-Goranska (Croatia)

  • MediLink – Facilitate communication between specialists (cardiologists in KBCRI) and family doctors who are treating patients in remote areas
  • FallWatch – Monitoring elderly patients (or fragile patients) during their hospital stay

East Netherlands

  • DIGICARE-AWARE – Scale up telemonitoring by creating awareness and  activating healthcare professionals to transform healthcare into futureproof care.
  • DELSIS – Determine the extent of lifestyle support that a patient needs to increase their self-management and reduce unnecessary care demand.

The Path Forward: Co-Creation, Collaboration and Business Support

The next phase involves the launch of 10 calls, recruiting and awarding 10 interregional teams of SMEs to co-develop and pilot solutions for the identified unmet needs. This cross-border collaboration is designed to enhance market access and bring innovative solutions into reality. We will start with the selection of leading SMEs through the Expression of Interest for Leading SME, launching in December. These 10 leading SMEs will become full partners of the HealthChain Consortium, receiving tailored training and funding. The follower SME, from another consortium region, will be selected through the Financial Support to Third Parties call. They join forces with the leader to solve the challenge and gain market access to a new country. Co-creation happens under real-world conditions, in close collaboration with end-users, and is evaluated at the pilot’s end. Additionally, SMEs will develop their go-to-market strategy and receive business support from their ecosystem, ensuring a transformative impact on the healthcare landscape.

Disclaimer: The HealthChain project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

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