Ljubljana, Slovenia – [22nd and 23rd May 2024]
Slovenia recently hosted the 4th General Assembly meeting of the HealthChain project, which aims to establish an innovative model that maximizes the possibility of adopting solutions following successful piloting. The event brought together 46 representatives from healthcare institutions and IT companies across Spain, Portugal, Croatia, the Netherlands, and Slovenia, all focused on driving digital transformation in healthcare.

Key Insights and Achievements
1. Driving Sustainability and Investment:
- The next 18 months are crucial for the HealthChain project as it gears up to ensure sustainability, secure investments, and develop robust business plans. The focus is on scaling up solutions and continuing the impactful work post-pilot phase.
2. Supporting SMEs with FSTP Call:
- The FSTP Call for follower SMEs and the Mirror Regions Call for SMEs is set to launch. This initiative aims to start the evaluation and co-creation process in October, fostering interregional cooperation.
3. Overcoming Challenges in Pilot Programs:
- Despite some delays due to cybersecurity and data extraction issues, regions are making significant progress. The emphasis is on producing strong usability and clinical results by December 2024.
4. Innovative Business and Scale-Up Plans:
- The project is actively developing and validating business hypotheses and commercialization plans. Upcoming workshops and a pitch day will play a pivotal role in this process, with a target of conducting 120 interviews for hypothesis validation.
5. Dynamic Communication and Dissemination:
- Exciting communication campaigns are in the pipeline for the next six months. These will spotlight the FSTP open calls, introduce HealthChain solutions, and share compelling results from the testing phase.
Quotes from the partners:
Dr. Alenka Rožaj Brvar, Director of Slovensko inovacijsko stičišče and SRIP Zdravje – shared, “The goal of our project is to leverage new digital tools in healthcare, connect regions, transfer knowledge, and explore the broader applicability of these innovations. The real value lies in creating an environment of mutual support, trust, and interdisciplinary knowledge exchange.”
Prof. Dr. Vojko Flis from Kirurški sanatorij Rožna dolina added, “Our application will save patients the trouble of traveling to the doctor, especially beneficial for the elderly, and reduce the load on clinics, freeing up more time for in-person consultations. It will integrate with the appointment system, provide surgical explanations, and offer postoperative physiotherapy information.”

Disclaimer: The HealthChain project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.