The Regional Health Service of Murcia introduces two soutions for the management of chronic patients

The Murcia Regional Health Service (SMS) presented last Wednesday the two HealthChain digital solutions to be tested in the coming months, to patients and healthcare professionals. During the open event, that took place at Reina Sofía Hospital, the reference hospital of the area, attendees had the opportunity to discover the two pilots that will kick off in spring and to dialogue with the solution providers.  

The two solutions focus on chronic pain and potassium control in patients with kidney disease. The manager of the Reina Sofía Hospital, Ángel Baeza, highlighted that “the two projects are an example of how technology can improve clinical care through innovative solutions.” 

Gorka Sánchez, Responsible for Innovation at the Murcia Health Service, explained that these innovative initiatives are based on the co-creation methodology, which means seeking alternative solutions that address the needs of the users and the healthcare professionals. In his words, “This is a paradigm shift. We have to stop thinking about technology window shopping and go for solutions that involve those who will use them”. 

Close to 1,000 patients in the Region of Murcia meet the criteria to participate in the program of chronic pain, and all of them were invited to the event, informed and led to sign themselves up for the pilot program. 

Chronic pain: a problem that affects 18% of the population in Murcia Region 

Dealing with pain and chronic conditions is a challenge both for patients and healthcare professionals. In fact, chronic pain is a health problem that affects around 18% of the population in the Murcia Region, which means around 270,000 users of the healthcare system. For this reason, it has been considered an aspect to be addressed immediately through the innovation unit within the Murcian Health Service (SMS). The new approach be tested on patients who seek to improve care and avoid unnecessary referrals and delays with specialists. 

To prove that innovation is possible and worthy in the field of chronic pain, the companies IDI EIKON and Digimevo have joined forces to test a solution for better pain management in patients with chronic conditions, in the framework of the Paspadoc challenge, one of the two selected projects to be implemented through HealthChain project in the region. 

The need to control potassium in the diet of Chronic Kidney Disease patients   

The other pilot to be tested is K-Control, which addresses kidney disease (CKD) and patients with dialysis. A low-potassium diet is a fundamental pillar in their treatment, however, in Spain, and especially in Murcia, there is a deep root in the traditional Mediterranean diet rich in fruit and vegetables, and therefore rich in potassium.  

Relying on potassium content tables of foods and recipe books, patients can prepare their daily menus to avoid an increase that could be life-threatening before the next dialysis. However, the demotivation of these patients is high as they are subjected to daily restrictions and are unaware of the effectiveness of their dietary actions. It considerably worsens the patient’s quality of life and limits social relationships by having to restrict eating.  

To address this challenge, two companies have joined forces with two aims: Renalyse is validating a new device for monitoring potassium levels in patients outside of the hospital, whereas Nootric provides personalised dietary recommendations, improving disease management and reducing hospital visits.  

The two solutions have received support from the HealthChain project, coordinated by Ticbiomed, which focuses on innovative approaches to addressing essential needs and developing digital solutions in healthcare, while actively engaging all stakeholders throughout the process. 

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