HealthChain model will be implemented and validated in  5 regional ecosystems based on local quadruple-helix connections from different EU countries:  

Each region brings together the same structure of roles. 

healthcare organisation (HO)

with the role of Challenge identifier that proposes the needs and pilots the co-creation of the proposed solutions in their premises

IT companies
(or Solvers)

with the role of solvers with expertise in IT/digital technology.

Regional Ecosystem Supporter (ES)

as business support experts for the IT companies but also leading the connection between cross-border regions.

These connections of these roles constitute a regional value chain that identifies, solves and exploits health challenges in a sustainable win-win approach.

Our five
ecosystem regions


Servicio Murciano de Salud (SMS) is the regional healthcare provider, in charge of public healthcare in Murcia. Manages 9 health areas, with a total of 10 public hospitals, more than 280 primary care centres and medical offices and 3 specialized centres. It provides healthcare to 1.5 million people. 

Within the HealthChain project, SMS has the main challenge to personalise medical care for chronic conditions, with a focus on inflammatory bowel disease, physical activity for chronic conditions and epilepsy. 

SMS will co-create with Evidenze Digital Health (formerly Pulso) and Aicrum a digital solution that stimulates prevention, personalises care delivery and empowers patients/caregivers to self-manage their condition. For optimal results, there is a need to capacitate end users with lower digital literacy to smooth the interaction when using the solution. 

Ticbiomed, as the regional cluster on digital health, will coordinate the regional activities, providing support on the scale up of the solutions co-created.

Healthcare Organisation

Servicio Murciano de Salud (SMS)


IT Companies

Evidenze Digital Health


Ecosystem Supporter



Unidade Local de Saúde de Coimbra (ULS Coimbra) is the largest health institution in Portugal, consisting of the Coimbra University Hospital, the General Hospital, the Coimbra Pediatric Hospital, two Maternity Hospitals and a Psychiatric Hospital, offering various areas of health, from prenatal care to the elderly, corresponding to the entire life cycle of the person and the family.  

Within the HealthChain project, ULS Coimbra will aim to deliver optimal care for post-surgical acute episodes, to facilitate at-home management of chronic diseases, remotely collect Patient Reported Outcomes (PROMs), improve telerehabilitation and support the interaction between patients and healthcare professionals with new channels. The digital infrastructure will be cocreated with Promptly

Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), expert in the promotion of innovation and the transfer of technology, will be fully involved not only in the regional support, but also in the overall definition of the business support strategy for all the HealthChain partners, with a special focus in the internationalisation. 

Healthcare Organisation

Unidade Local de Saúde de Coimbra (ULS Coimbra)


IT Companies


Ecosystem Supporter

Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN)


Klinički bolnički centar Rijeka (KBCRI) is one of five clinical hospital centers in Croatia and it is the main one in this region. The medical services provided cover three counties, for approximately 600,000 inhabitants. 

Within the HealthChain project, KBCRI will co-create and test two solutions. The first solution is for the prevention of patient falls from the hospital bed, co-created with Rinigard, and the second one is for the remote monitoring of the patients who are discharged from the hospital due to heart failure (HF) and atrial fibrillation (AF), co-created with Verso Altima Group

Sustainable Solutions will coordinate the overall regional activities while ensuring the monitoring of the quality of the implementation of the HealthChain planned actions.

Healthcare Organisation

Klinički bolnički centar Rijeka (KBCRI)


IT Companies

Verso Altima Group


Ecosystem Supporter

Sustainable Solutions GIU

east netherlands

Rijnstate is a top clinical teaching hospital in the Netherlands and offers inpatient and outpatient services in 29 medical specialties, as well as emergency care, with a special focus on oncology, immunology, vascular care, and vulnerable elderly. 

Within the HealthChain project Rijnstate, the Dutch HO, will aim to improve the integration of clinical pathways to better map the delivered care to patients across several units and departments. Specifically, the solution co-created with Philips and BeterDichtbij will be focused on optimization of patient telemonitoring and improvement of the collaboration between care professionals and organizations, in order to further scale up telemonitoring and improve the quality of care.

East Netherlands Development Agency (Oost NL), as the regional development agency, will oversee the regional activities while focusing on enlarging the HealthChain Community of Practise (CoP).

Healthcare Organisation



IT Companies




Ecosystem Supporter

East Netherlands Development Agency (Oost NL)

western slovenia

The Surgical Centre Rožna Dolina (KSRD), which has been operating since 1997, is the first private surgical clinic in Slovenia. It was designed as a self-paying hospital that offers its patients higher standards of care and accommodation. During the years of operation, they also obtained concessions from the Ministry of Health for its activities.  

Within the HealthChain project, KSRD will focus on Hip arthrosis management, which has a big burden on patients’ quality of life, functional independence, and disability, co-creating a solution together with Health Lord supported by Parsek technical and business expertise.

Slovenian Innovation Hub (SIH EGIZ), as Digital Innovation Hub will make sure to bring on board all the regional Ecosystem. 


Healthcare Organisation

Surgical Centre Rožna Dolina (KSRD)


IT Companies

Health Lord


Ecosystem Supporter

Slovenian Innovation Hub (SIS EGIZ)