mirror regions CALL FOR SMEs is closed


The Mirror Regions Call for SMEs aims to select and support 5 SMEs (Solvers) to co-create a solution addressing the specific innovation needs (Challenges) identified by the Mirror Regions healthcare organisations (Challengers). The awarded SMEs will co-create and pilot an innovative solution with the Challenger in the Mirror Region, supported by the Ecosystem supporter. 

webinar - june 25, 2024

An informative webinar was held on June 25th, 2024, providing potential applicants more information about this opportunity and the application process.

Applications closed on August 5, 2024 - 17:00 CET

The 5 smes awarded will receive financial support

Jointly co-create and pilot an innovative solution with the Mirror Regions stakeholders for 12 months

Get expert support on business modelling and market insights, and access to networks and resources

Access funding up to €50.000 equity-free

Network with other European SMEs and explore opportunities for forthcoming projects

who can

Mirror regions
challenges to address

Apply to address one of the 5 challenges identified by the HealthChain Mirror Regions.


ecosystem supporter

mirror region


challenge short description

Navarra (Spain)

Addressing the uncertainty challenges of radiotherapy through personalised 3D molds used in radiotherapy and brachytherapy.

Western (Greece)

Multi-stage monitoring triage at home for Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs).

Los Montalvos Hospital

Castilla y León (Spain)

Virtual assistant for voice-activated emotional state recognition in palliative care patients.

Flanders (Belgium)

Intrinsically motivate obese children with an innovative and child-friendly digital solution that promotes long-term physical activity through gamification.

Northwest (Romania)

Automated Imagery Tool Results for Diagnostic and Stadialisation.

how to


Read the Guidelines for Applicants document


Read and select the challenge


Fill in the proposal template

If selected, you will also be requested to send the following documents:

Keep your eyes peeled and make sure to complete all required documents!

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European region receiving funding and support to implement the HealthChain model in their territory. It is led by an Ecosystem Supporter, who is working closely with a Challenger with an unmet need. The Mirror Regions are Navarra (Spain), Western (Greece), Castilla y León (Spain), Flanders (Belgium) and Northwest (Romania). The Mirror Regions are assisted by the HealthChain Founding Regions for the implementation.

A business association, cluster or other type of intermediate organisation that leads the ecosystem, linking its stakeholders, connecting it between cross-border regions and delivering business support to the SMEs solving the Challenge in their ecosystem.

According to the I3 instrument rules, to be eligible, the applicants must:

  • be a Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 
  • be established in a region already part of the HealthChain consortium: Murcia (Spain), Catalonia (Spain), Centro (Portugal), North (Portugal), any region in Slovenia, any region in Croatia, East Netherlands (The Netherlands), West Netherlands (The Netherlands), Western Greece, Navarra (Spain), Castilla y León (Spain), Flanders (Belgium) and Northwest Romania.


Note: in case an SME collaborates with another organisation (e.g. other SME, research, …) it is the sole responsibility of the SME to manage the relation. HealthChain only supports one SME per Mirror Region.

All the eligibility requirements to apply to this Open Call are further described in the Guidelines for Applicants.

HealthChain is looking for 5 SMEs to solve the challenges identified by the Mirror Regions. The awarded SMEs will co-create and pilot an innovative solution with the Challenger in the Mirror Region, supported by the Ecosystem supporter. In exchange, the SME will receive €50,000 equity-free funding and support for business development and commercialisation.

Awarded SMEs will:

  • Jointly co-create and pilot an innovative solution with the Mirror Region stakeholders for 12 months.
  • Access funding up to 50.000 EUR equity-free.
  • Get expert support on business modelling and market insights, and access to networks and resources.
  • Network with other European SMEs and organisations in the HealthChain consortium and explore opportunities for forthcoming projects.

To apply to the Mirror Regions Call for SMEs, please submit the following information before the deadline:

  • Annex 2. Proposal template: Download the proposal template from the HealthChain website and fill in by including the information requested. You should submit a proposal to the open call describing how your solution can address the challenge identified by the Mirror Region healthcare organisation.
  • Online form: Once the proposal template is fulfilled, access the F6S platform to complete the required fields and upload the proposal document (in pdf format). Applicants are required to register a profile at F6S to be able to submit an application and answer all mandatory questions. Only proposals submitted through the Open Call submission tool (F6S platform) at https://www.f6s.com/healthchain-mirror-regions-call-for-smes/apply and within the Call duration will be accepted.

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