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co-create and pilot a digital solution

The HealthChain Call for SMEs aims to select and support 10 follower SMEs (Solvers) to complement the expertise of 10 leading SMEs and jointly co-create a solution addressing the specific innovation needs (Challenges) identified by the healthcare organisations (Challengers). The targeted beneficiary is a Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) that must be from a different HealthChain Region than the Healthcare Organisation proposing the challenge.

webinar - june 18, 2024

An informative webinar was held on June 18th, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:30 am providing potential applicants more information about this opportunity and the application process.

Addressing the HealthChain Challenges

Join the call for smes regional webinars

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Primorsko-Goranska (Croatia)

June 25th, 11:30 CET

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June 26th, 12:00 CET

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East Netherlands
(The Netherlands)

June 26th, 15:00 CET

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Western Slovenia (Slovenia)

July 3rd, 10:00 CET


July 9th, 10:00 CET

Apply by August 5, 2024 - 17:00 CET

The 10 smes awarded will receive financial support

Jointly co-create and pilot an innovative solution with a leading SME for a challenge identified by a healthcare organisation

Get expert support on business modelling and market insights, and access to networks and resources

Access funding up to €50.000

Get the opportunity to work in an international partnership

Network with other European SMEs and explore opportunities for forthcoming projects

who can

challenges to address

Apply to address one of the 10 challenges proposed by the Healthcare Organisations already involved in HealthChain.

Challenger & region


follower sme work


Murcia (Spain)


Interdialysis potassium level intensive monitoring


A new holistic way to capacitate patients who suffer chronic pain

Integrate potassium levels with patient lifestyle data via machine learning, design alarm protocols for patients, create a user-friendly interface, and ensure secure data management.

Validate chronic pain health resources, integrate wearable and medical device data into an IoT layer, and optimize chronic pain management with patient-friendly documentation.

Machine learning, nutritional recommendations, usability study, security protocol.

Chronic pain management resources, AI-based personal assistant, IoT, wearable devices integration.

Centro (Portugal)


Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation programs for hospitalized elderly people


Boost medication safety in Plastic Surgery and Burns department

Design user-friendly interfaces, ensure usability, document design standards, integrate assessment tools, and create educational videos to promote health literacy in active aging.

Ensure MediRecon’s regulatory compliance, from documentation to testing, navigating audits and certifications for its adoption in healthcare.

Visual design, accessibility, responsive design, usability testing.

Regulatory compliance, documentation preparation, Quality Management System (QMS).

Western (Slovenia)


Improving patients’ safety and empowerment after fast-tracking hip surgery


Improving patients’ safety by assessing mental distress after surgery

Contribute to co-creation, design app features with smart-band integration and ensure secure data access for physicians.

Oversee end-to-end app development, including device integration, security, app distribution, co-creation strategies, community engagement and GDPR compliance checks.

Mobile app, HL7 FHIR infrastructure, user interface for clinicians, privacy and security.

App development, device integration, GDPR compliance.

Primorsko-Goranska (Croatia)


Real-time patient monitoring during independent movements in the Hospital


Facilitating communication between specialists and family doctors in remote areas

Ensure healthcare regulations compliance focusing on data security and integration, and engage stakeholders via workshops and training sessions for effective implementation and user adoption.

Ensure communication platform’s functionality, user-friendliness, performance, and security for healthcare professionals, guaranteeing accurate operation, optimal performance, and robust security measures.

Usability, performance testing, functional testing, security and data protection.

Regulatory compliance, technological support and system enhancement, solution validation, engagement and training.


East Netherlands (The Netherlands)


Creating awareness amongst healthcare professionals about the necessity and possibilities of remote patients monitoring and the Virtual Care Center


Determining the extent of lifestyle support to increase self-management

Produce engaging designs for monitoring@home, adhering to Rijnstate’s guidelines, with expertise in change communication, user experience, and GDPR compliance.

Boost patient engagement and market exploration, offering expertise in user experience enhancement and comprehensive market analysis for AI-driven healthcare solutions.

Design, user experience (UX), GDPR compliance.

Personalisation, user experience, market analysis for triage tools.

how to


Read the Guidelines for Applicants document


Read and select the challenge


Fill in the proposal template

If selected, you will also be requested to send the following documents:

Keep your eyes peeled and make sure to complete all required documents!

Still have questions?

Get all your answers to the most common questions

A follower SME is an organisation that will jointly co-create an innovative solution with a leading SME to cover an unmet need (challenge) proposed by a Healthcare Organisation.

According to the I3 instrument rules, to be eligible, the applicants must:

  • be a Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 
  • be established in a region already part of the HealthChain consortium, ie:
    • EITHER in a founding HealthChain ecosystem, different to the region where the Challenger is based: Murcia (Spain), Catalonia (Spain), Centro (Portugal), North (Portugal), any region in Slovenia, any region in Croatia, East Netherlands (The Netherlands) and West Netherlands (The Netherlands);
    • OR in the Mirror Regions: Western Greece, Navarra (Spain), Castilla y León (Spain), Flanders (Belgium) and North West Romania.

HealthChain is looking for 10 follower SMEs. The follower SME will get funding to closely work with the already selected Leading SME to address the unmet need identified by the healthcare organisation.

Awarded companies who become a follower SME will:

  • Jointly co-create and pilot an innovative solution with a leading SME for a challenge identified by a healthcare organisation.
  • Get the opportunity to work in an international partnership.
  • Access funding up to 50.000 EUR.
  • Get expert support on business modelling and market insights, and access to networks and resources.
  • Network with other European SMEs and explore opportunities for forthcoming projects.

To apply to the HealthChain Call for SMEs, please submit the following information before the deadline:

  • Annex 2. Proposal template: Download the follower SME proposal template from the HealthChain website and fill in by including the information requested. You should submit a proposal to the open call describing how your solucion can complement the expertise of the leading SME to cover the challenge identified by the healthcare organisation.
  • Online form: Once the proposal template is fulfilled, access the F6S platform to complete the required fields and upload the proposal document (in pdf format). Applicants are required to register a profile at F6S to be able to submit an application and answer all mandatory questions. Only proposals submitted through the Open Call submission tool (F6S platform) at and within the Call duration will be accepted.

The maximum amount of funding a selected SME can get and retain is €50.000.

HealthChain funding is results-driven, provided as vouchers in a lump sum. As such, there is no need for a traditional administrative justification system (e.g., counting hourly dedication or calculating workload), but getting the funding is associated with the acceptance of the agreed deliverables. Payments will be made in instalments based on concrete results, deliverables and a review by the mid-term and at the end of the co-creation pilot.

Need help?

In case of questions, please contact us through the following channels: